Time We Have Wasted on the Way

When you meet people and consider relationships as you get older you start to realize that relationships are not the same as when you’re 20 years old or even 30 years old later in life you start to think about who you want to spend the rest of your life with and it’s not about raising kids or building home or any of that stuff anymore.

Life is really about the time and you realize how short that time is because by the time people are around 50 years old, they lived maybe 2/3 of their life. Let’s face it we are not living to 100 years old.

Most of us will be lucky to live until we’re about 80 to 90 years old at best. You wait until your 65 or 70 to retire only to enjoy what will be 10 to 15 years of your life or do you try to retire as early as possible, age 55-60 and do some things while you’re still physically able and mentally able to remember somethings. Who do you do those things with and who do you wanna spend those moments with?

I was talking to a friend the other day and we were having that most philosophical conversation about what is life all about, and someone had told them that life was about falling in love and doing good things for other people. My mind went in a different direction, after all we’re just base human beings that are about eating and living and dying. We internally can come up with some amazing idea of what life means to us because we are intelligent beings, but when you take a step back and look, we’re just like any other animal on the planet. We live, breathe, procreate, and die. It’s weird to think of it that way, but it is true.

People who don’t know you never know how much you love them or how much you meant to somebody else. There are millions of people on this planet billions of people on this planet and not every one of them will touch more than a handful of people in their life. Does making a difference count and how do you make a difference? I don’t know.

You hope that your efforts will leave a legacy and then other times you think it was just a flash in the pan. Part of our conversation was talking about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and I said your purpose is at the bottom and my friend said your purpose is at the top. You can’t get to the top unless you have the bottom all worked out, if you’re lucky you get to the top. It depends on where you are in your station of life and where you will be on the hierarchy.

So many of us are just wasting time, breathing air, eating food, and really not doing anything but using up resources on this planet. Yeah, we enjoy our TV shows and going out and socializing here and there, but is that our purpose in life? Or is our purpose in life to help other people so that they can be more successful in there so that they can move up the pyramid. What are we doing? What are we doing?

The Value of Friendship

Anyone who knows me knows that I value friendship. There are a lot of things in this world that one could talk about being important, but the bonds between people mean so much to me.

Friendship is about giving one thing of yourself to someone else that you can never get back, and that is your time.

We choose who and how we spend our time. Having shared experiences and recalling them with old friends over the years is more than nostalgia, it unlocks parts of our brains that make us feel alive and remember how full of life we are.

We have acquaintances and we have friends. It is important to know the difference. If you look at a place like Facebook or LinkedIn and see your “Friends” or “Connections” you might ask yourself, are these really my friends? I think some are friends, and some are just casual online connections. Even if you’ve met them in real life.

What is a friend?

A friend is someone who actually wants to be part of your life. They are more than an online Facebook birthday wish (And believe me, I am all about the birthday wishes). A friend sees and hears, then picks up the phone and calls you, or drives over, or engages you. A friends checks up on you. A friend wants you in their life.

But what about that friend that you don’t talk to for a year, then you re-connect and it’s like you bridge the gap of time and it’s like the quiet time didn’t matter? We all get busy. As we get older we do find ourselves getting busy. People have primary romantic relationships, kids, jobs, and there is only so much time to have connections; so it can be easy to think we’ll get back to that friend and forget.


Friendship is about knowing you have an amazing history of shared experiences, and a breadth of life that at one point you intersected with and sometimes that intersection will diverge. That’s ok. But forgive yourself for not being as engaged. Forgive your friend for not being as engaged. When the opportunity comes, and there is time, make it happen. Forget the past, and let bygones be bygones. Holding on to hurt feelings will never let you move forward, and you’ll only have bitter memories.

Don’t have disposable friends

I do not have disposable friends. I would like to believe that I would go out of my way for my friends. Sometimes I have not be able to be where I wanted to be to help a friend, but life hasn’t always workout in the ways that I think they would. Be consistent. Show up as much as possible. I saw a meme that said, tell your friends you love them and make it weird. I agree. Why spend time with people you just tolerate, that’s work.

I have been very fortunate to have people in my life that have shared the path on my journey, and stick with me. These are the people I value, they are in no way disposable. Sometimes they are distant, and sometimes they engage me in ways that make all the difference in the world. There is nothing more appreciated than someone who takes the time and reminds you that you are important to them. Take the time and be a friend.

The Mid November update

Well here we are almost at the end of the year! And well, it has been filled with a lot of excitement for sure. Jobs changing and doing some late fall cleaning. Feels good to throw away things that have been sitting for a long time in boxes that just will never be used. It seems that there is always more and more to consider to reduce. I can’t say I’ve always been a fan of it, but I see the benefits of less clutter.

The World

The world is spinning out of control, at least in some ways. Ukraine and Israel both under attack from hostile countries. I could go on for hours on this but I support both countries in their struggle to keep aggression and terrorists out of their country and from bringing more harm to anyone else.

What’s next??

I’ve been sidelined on running due to that dreaded plantar fasciitis. But I think I’m back. Slowly and with good running shoes, so we’ll see. It’s difficult to predict what will be the next thing, but so far, I’m doing ok, and I’m fortunate. I’ll keep moving forward and looking forward, with a glance or two at the past. There is still a glimmer of hope from the past that I hold on to, because you never know, people surprise you.

People in your life

I spend time thinking about the people who have made an impact in my life. You know, the people that matter. We have a lot of social media out there and it’s easy to scroll past people, see some post and move on. But there are certainly people who are the one’s who make the difference. They have an impact like Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, so it’s honestly impossible to forget them.

Losing people in your life

Probably one of the most difficult things is losing people in your life. That could be by argument or by death. Being separated from people you love is probably the most painful thing ever. Emotional pain is worse than physical pain because there is really no way to mask or remove it. You can take drugs to remove the physical pain and that can help relieve the suffering, but not really so much with the emotional pain.

You can miss someone so badly that you just don’t know what to do. Losing a child to a drug poisoning can cause serious grief, and no amount of medication can bring that person back. I had a friend who was estranged from her daughter, and she loved her very much. Her daughter refused to speak to her, ever, even to the point where she didn’t even attend her grandmothers funeral. My friend turned to alcohol to numb the pain of that relationship. Eventually at age 50 she succumbed to the effects of alcohol. She died in hospice with a failed liver.

Sometime there is nothing you can do.

You can’t save people as I have learned. You can sometimes just try and be a friend, if people will let you. You support your friends in an altruistic way and hope for the best.

Don’t be resentful. You can spend a life time working trying to be helpful to watch someone walk a different path. We have to be on our own path, and all we can do is bring love. Sadly people will reject love from us, even when we bring our “A” Game.

Amo, Amas, Amat!

All I know is that love is something really hard for me to let go of. If I fall in love, maybe I let go, but I’m alway going to love you.

Romantic? I don’t know, but there have been a lot of movie and references to this movie, this story, that it obviously means something to a lot of people. People can leave your life, then come back in. Rick loves hard, unlike Captain Louis Renault.

Love is what makes us human. When we stop caring about others, we lose our humanity. Love is what separates us from everything else.

Comparing and contrasting the 1971 film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” with the 2005 film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

I asked Chat GPT to do this.

Certainly! Here is an essay comparing and contrasting the 1971 film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” with the 2005 film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, and explaining why the 1971 film is better.

The two films are both based on the same beloved children’s book by Roald Dahl, but they have distinct differences in their style, tone, and overall presentation. While both films share many of the same characters and story elements, there are several key differences that set them apart.

One of the most noticeable differences between the two films is their visual style. The 1971 film has a bright, colorful, and whimsical look that perfectly captures the story’s sense of wonder and imagination. The set designs, costumes, and special effects all work together to create a fantastical world that feels both magical and grounded in reality. By contrast, the 2005 film has a darker, more muted look that emphasizes the story’s darker elements and places less emphasis on the joy and wonder of the chocolate factory.

Another major difference between the two films is their approach to character development. In the 1971 film, the character of Willy Wonka is portrayed as a mysterious and eccentric figure who gradually reveals himself to be a kind and generous soul. By contrast, the 2005 film portrays Willy Wonka as a more troubled and emotionally distant character, with a backstory that explains some of his more eccentric behaviors. While both interpretations are valid, the 1971 film’s approach feels more true to the spirit of the original book and allows the audience to share in Charlie’s sense of wonder and discovery.

Finally, the two films differ in their overall tone and message. While both films promote the importance of imagination, creativity, and the power of dreams, the 1971 film does so in a more heartfelt and sincere way. The film’s music, performances, and storytelling all work together to create a sense of joy and optimism that is infectious and uplifting. The 2005 film, by contrast, places more emphasis on the darker elements of the story, such as the dysfunctional relationships between the characters and the sense of greed and entitlement that drives the plot.

In conclusion, while both films have their merits, the 1971 film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” is a better representation of Roald Dahl’s classic children’s book. Its bright, colorful visuals, heartfelt performances, and sincere message of imagination and wonder make it a beloved classic that has stood the test of time. While the 2005 film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” has its own strengths, including impressive visual effects and strong performances, it lacks the same sense of heart and soul that makes the 1971 film so memorable and enduring.

Chat GPT and the results

So I played around with Chat GPT the other day, it’s the AI (Artificial Intelligence) application that is getting a lot of buzz lately and it was interesting. I’ll share some of the results here that I haven’t posted anywhere else.

Things to note, it does sort of remember what you asked it before to help make new responses, so each query isn’t just a new search per se. It can be surprising as it does a wonderful job with some responses.

So here we go.

Write an essay for the need for modernizing nuclear weapons. Written by ChatGPT

I would like an essay making a case of the United States to modernize their nuclear weapons in MLA format

Title: The Need for Modernization of the United States’ Nuclear Weapons

Introduction The United States of America is one of the few nations in the world that possesses nuclear weapons. The country’s nuclear arsenal has been an important tool for deterrence, helping to keep peace and stability throughout the world. However, as the weapons continue to age, it has become increasingly necessary for the United States to modernize its nuclear weapons. This essay will argue that modernizing the country’s nuclear weapons is essential for maintaining national security and for deterring potential aggressors.

Body Paragraph 1: Deterrence The United States’ nuclear weapons have served as a critical tool for deterrence, helping to prevent the outbreak of war and maintain peace. As the world becomes more complex, and new threats emerge, it is essential for the country’s nuclear weapons to remain modern and effective. The United States’ adversaries are developing new weapons and strategies to overcome U.S. deterrence. By modernizing its nuclear weapons, the United States can continue to maintain a credible deterrent and protect its national security interests.

Body Paragraph 2: Safety and Reliability Many of the United States’ nuclear weapons were developed in the 1970s and 1980s and are becoming increasingly outdated. As these weapons age, their safety and reliability are becoming more of a concern. Modernizing the country’s nuclear weapons would help to ensure that they are safe, reliable, and effective, thus reducing the risk of accidents and miscalculations.

Body Paragraph 3: Technology Advancements Advancements in technology have made it possible to develop more advanced nuclear weapons that are more accurate, precise, and less likely to cause collateral damage. Modernizing the United States’ nuclear weapons would allow the country to take advantage of these advancements, improving the effectiveness of its nuclear arsenal. This would help to ensure that the United States maintains a technological edge over its adversaries and can better protect its national security interests.

Body Paragraph 4: Cost and Feasibility Modernizing the United States’ nuclear weapons is an expensive proposition. However, the costs of not modernizing are even greater. As the weapons continue to age, their maintenance and upkeep become increasingly expensive. Moreover, an outdated nuclear arsenal increases the risk of accidents and miscalculations, potentially leading to devastating consequences. In the long run, modernizing the country’s nuclear weapons is a cost-effective solution that will help to ensure national security and deter potential aggressors.

Conclusion The United States’ nuclear weapons have served as an important tool for maintaining peace and stability throughout the world. However, as the weapons continue to age, it has become increasingly necessary for the country to modernize its nuclear arsenal. By modernizing its nuclear weapons, the United States can maintain a credible deterrent, improve safety and reliability, take advantage of technological advancements, and protect its national security interests. While the costs of modernization may be high, the benefits far outweigh the risks of not modernizing. It is imperative that the United States takes the necessary steps to modernize its nuclear arsenal to ensure its safety, security, and stability for generations to come.

So next I asked it some absurdity

I thought we should see if it really understood the world around it, so her we go.

Can guys on submarines see the fish?

It is highly unlikely that submariners can see fish from a submarine while it is submerged. Submarines are designed to operate deep underwater, typically below the depth where sunlight can penetrate, which is known as the “photocline”. This means that the visibility from a submarine is often limited to a few hundred meters or less, depending on the water conditions.

Furthermore, submarines are typically equipped with low-light level and infrared sensors that allow them to detect other vessels, aircraft, or other objects in the water. Submariners rely on these sensors and other advanced technology to navigate, communicate, and perform their missions, rather than relying on their own visual observations.

While it is possible that a submariner could spot a fish or other marine life near the surface of the water when the submarine is on the surface or near the surface, it is unlikely that they would be able to see fish from the depths that submarines typically operate at.

Then I asked it, “Did you know that Submariners are the wildest group of sailors in the military?”

As an AI language model, I do not hold opinions or make generalizations about any group of people. While it is true that submariners may experience unique challenges and conditions compared to other sailors in the military, it would not be accurate or fair to make blanket statements about their behavior or character as a group. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and without making assumptions or stereotypes based on their background or profession.

Then I thought maybe I need to just feed it data, like giving it some facts or context.

“Submariners pride themselves on their ability to adapt in a wide variety of difficult situations”

Judd Spitzer

Yes, it is true that submariners are highly trained to operate in a variety of difficult and challenging situations. The nature of submarine operations, including extended periods of time spent submerged, limited communication with the outside world, and the need for self-sufficiency and problem-solving, requires submariners to be highly adaptable and resourceful.

Submariners undergo rigorous training and must be able to operate in a wide range of conditions and scenarios, including extreme weather conditions, combat situations, and emergency situations such as fires or flooding. They must also be able to work closely with a small crew for long periods of time and maintain a high level of focus and attention to detail.

The adaptability and problem-solving skills required of submariners can be an asset both in and outside of their military careers, as these skills are highly valued in many professional and personal contexts.

Finally I thought, maybe I’d ask it something that was pretty subjective and see if we got a definitive answer.

Do you think America is a free country?

Judd Spitzer

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, the United States is considered a free country in many respects. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights outline individual rights and freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, and cruel and unusual punishment.

That being said, some individuals and groups in the United States may not experience the same level of freedom as others due to factors such as discrimination or economic inequality. Additionally, some laws and policies in the US may be viewed as limiting individual freedom or infringing on certain rights. The interpretation of what constitutes freedom can also vary depending on cultural, social, and political perspectives.

I did ask it what the meaning of life was, and sadly it did not come back with 42.

The purpose of life is a question that has been debated by philosophers, scientists, and theologians for centuries. There is no single answer that can be universally applied to all individuals, as people have different beliefs, values, and goals that shape their views on the purpose of life.

Some people believe that the purpose of life is to seek happiness, pleasure, and personal fulfillment. Others believe that the purpose of life is to serve a higher power or to contribute to the greater good of society. Still, others see the purpose of life as a journey of self-discovery, learning, and personal growth.

Ultimately, the purpose of life is a deeply personal and subjective matter, and each individual must find their own meaning and purpose in life. It is important to recognize that the purpose of life can change over time, as people grow and experience new things, and that there is no one “right” answer to this question.

ChatGPT AI is Eliza in Disguise

You may have heard about the big revolution called AI or artificial intelligence that is sweeping the news and the tech industry. Let me tell you, there is nothing new under the sun here. We are still baby steps into the idea that computers can think for themselves. They don’t. There was a program called Eliza written back in the 60s I believe, or 70s and you can still run it through your browser. Here is the link, https://web.njit.edu/~ronkowit/eliza.html Computers can only create logic from words that people write. It is just more sophisticated today than it was 30 to 40 years ago, but it’s the same thing, take some input, decide based on the logic that humans have programmed, and give output. I think that computers are doing better at reading and understanding. Computers give positive feedback, and yet it isn’t artificial intelligence. It is just a program. We need to stop repackaging this idea that it is AI because it is bullshit. When computers start to react to other inputs that human beings do not give it, then we will start to see real AI. When computers can design and develop new reactions based on what they’re doing that’s real AI. We hear Apple talk about machine learning, and I feel that learning is much more akin to the idea of AI than being able to respond to a query and give you back a paragraph for a page of information that it’s drawn together and parsed together. Does the world need AI? I do think we need some ability to ask computers, real questions and get solid responses. I mean I look at programs like Grammarly, which are amazing. They give incredible feedback on paragraphs that you write and recommendations on writing style for readability and much more. What’s next? Will a computer wake up in the morning and go I think I’m gonna write a novel today or I think I’m gonna do some research on something today? Nothing happens without that human interaction. Computers are a long way from being self-aware, so even though the Terminator is on the horizon, it still isn’t here yet. So don’t worry my friends, we’re all gonna be OK. AI is just 40-year-old technology repackaged and sent to you to raise the stock prices of a few companies.

Welcome 2023 – For the archive

Welcome. This site continues to evolve. It is a work in progress, just like anything. I am writing this at the end of 2022 and looking forward to 2023. Some predictions, this will be a year of AI, Artificial Intelligence, but more importantly computers being used to generate original content to some degree. From filtered photos to deep fakes, this will be the year it starts.

They say we will have an economic downturn this year. The US dollar is strong against foreign currencies. Maybe it’s an excellent time to travel overseas. The year is starting off with Gas Prices lower than ever. Electric cars are flooding the market and forcing Tesla to reconsider its higher prices, and consider higher production.

The War in Ukraine continues on, so keep watching those defense stocks. And let’s hope Ukraine wins. They are a sovereign nation and should have been respected.

The Fentanyl crisis continues to plague our country. The Blue Plaid Society here in Florida and many other NGOs are working hard to educate and make a difference in the fight for people’s lives. Bottom line. Don’t do illicit drugs. You’re going to die.

Finally, back to work, back to the office. For many, they thought the new normal was work from home forever. It seems like the world isn’t so much about that anymore. Cabin fever has struck and companies are demanding their employees return to the office. For some, it’s going to be hard. But it is a reality that social interaction is a requirement for people to have synergy. While you may be productive in the at-home world, sometimes, it’s the casual conversations that make the difference and can only be had over at the break room.

2023, we’re ready for you.

Judd Spitzer

New Beginnings means there are Endings

I was watching a news channel this morning and the 2022 in memoriam was on. I remember the surprise that this person or that person had passed away during the year. It was something to see it all at once, and bring back the memories again of these celebrities and notable people. There were of course Actors and Singers. There were also Politicians, News Reporters, Sports Legions, and other Industry Icons.

Who Cares?

Well we all care. We live in a world where we expect people to be there. We expect people to be in our lives and we don’t see a life where that will change. It is devastating when a person dies that is important to us. It can rock us to our core, because in a way, people are an extension of our being. Some people like celebrities might be like leaves on a tree. They fall off and we notice them, and maybe some that influenced us are like small branches. Then there are family members; they have the greatest impact and they represent the biggest branches on the tree.

Moving Forward

We do have to find ways to move forward. We do that by keeping the memories alive. We do that by not letting the lives that matter to us become just a footnote in a closed book. We do that be living better and doing things that inspire other people to be their best.

New Year – Restarts

People love these kind of memes. The idea that they aren’t going to change, but change is what we do. I know it’s not that a day happens and we magically become a different person. Maybe we don’t need new resolutions, maybe we just need to refocus on the things we have let go. We need to concentrate on doing the things we want to do to be better.

There is no magic wand or moment that happens that makes a person be different. Sure, you can set exercise goals or health goals or whatever, but you were doing that before. EVERYDAY is a day that you get to restart. January 1 isn’t the only day that restarts can happen. It’s too bad that we focus on one day out of the year, when any day is a good day to make changes, adjust and move forward.