So I was going through my notes App on my phone and found this amazing list from 2019 that has lots of things that I really liked. I really do try to do these things. But maybe you’ll find these great as well. I did google this to figure it out and it comes from
by Rachel Wilkerson Miller, Anna Borges, Terri Pous, Gyan Yankovich
Here is the first 5 of 66 wonderful ideas. Click the link to read the entire article.
1. When you’re talking to someone you care about — whether that’s IRL or over the phone/Skype — do your best to be fully present.
2. Give your non-romantic relationships the same sort of attention, care, and mental energy that you give your romantic ones. Think about your friends at least as much as you think about your crush, your favorite sports team, or reality TV celebrities.
3. Set up calendar notifications for their birthdays, or write them on your new calendar each January. (Don’t rely on Facebook to tell you!) Memorize their zodiac sign while you’re at it.
4. And put other meaningful days in their life (kids’ birthdays, wedding anniversaries) on your calendar, especially ones tied to grief. Reach out on the anniversary of their loved one’s passing and let them know you are thinking of them.
5. Figure out the best method of communication for the two of you. Some people are terrible at texting back but are great on the phone. We’re sorry to say that this means you just gotta suck it up and call them sometimes. Talking on the phone sometimes is better than losing lifelong friends because they can’t Gchat all day at work.