Change is a constant. We only wish that things would stay the same, but the world is filled with progress and life goes on. But we do need some consistency. When I say consistency, I’m talking about institutions.
A lot of people talk about what makes America Great. I will tell you it has been our spirit of volunteering that has created this amazing space. Without people willing to lend a hand, step up and do the hard work without consideration of a monetary reward, there would be a lot of organizations that would falter.
We can not ignore the change of life that has happened during this pandemic. There are generations that are being left behind by technology. Some people can adapt and others can or will not.
The generation that was ardent volunteers are soon becoming a thing of the past. Particularly the 65+ crowd. There are a lot of people who have not adapted during the pandemic to using tools like Zoom and other teleconferencing software. This is how things are being done in 2021. But these people are being lost in the wake of change.
New Normal (STFU!)
I hate that term, because change is inevitable. Sometimes change happens faster than people would hope, and sometimes it doesn’t come fast enough. Where is my flying car?

The Jetsons was not a crazy of a concept in a lot of ways, and our future has been imagined time and time again. How to get younger people to volunteer for these great organizations and keep the older generation engaged is the 21st century problem. Distance creates disassociation. We are losing the value that comes with community. Make the phone calls, do the video chat, get face to face with people and get engaged.
If we fail to support these organizations, the future will be bleak for our nations heart beat. So many of these groups rely on the bonds of friendship that are created by pursuing common goals for the greater good. No one person can do it all. The government doesn’t live in this arena, only the good will of neighbors can make our local community the best place to live.
Some of these include: Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary International, Civitan International, Order of DeMolay, Apex Clubs of Australia, Altrusa International, JCI, Sertoma, Exchange, Optimists, Soroptimists, KIN Canada, Zonta, Quota International, Lucis Trust, Round Table.
I’m a member of Toastmasters and The US Navy League. Find the organization that works for you that you can be passionate about, and help longstanding members stay with it and adapt to the changing world.