Tag: 2020

  • And here we are 2020

    I decided to add a real blog to my homepage after quite a few years not having an official blog here. I was using this just as a personal webpage. I decided that I need to document the history of things going on around me. After all, I did turn 50 in 2019, and after a half a century of living, I do have some thoughts about life that I would like to put out there.

    In 2 years, or 5 years, or 10 years, we will look back at the archives and read some person’s view of history. It is nice to have your own voice, your own memories to reflect on.

    So what has happened this year?

    2020 The Year of Dystopia. At least some people would have you believe that. I, along with most of the planet went into “Self-Quarantine” or Social Distancing as we called it in Mid-March. Some countries went sooner, and a few a little later. The reason for this was a virus that originated in the Wuhan province in China. This virus which we is a Corona type virus, attacks the lungs, and basically without proper treatment the suffer could die as many have.

    There are a lot of things that have happened in an attempt to stop the spread. I will attempt to keep things less political, however politics is difficult to be separated from.

    One thing in the last three years that has happened is that our country has become more and more divided in half. And instead of people working on compromising, they are digging their heels in and creating toxic environments on both sides of the political isle.

    Living in this time is as precarious as it has ever been. But I believe in hope, and the American Spirit, that is a uniting force that will get us through these difficult times, and once again we will return to a version of normalcy that we once remember. A time, filled with hugs and parties, and laughter and friends socializing together without fear of illness.

    I will try to update weekly from here on out.

    My Best,
