The meaning of life?


I know I’m going to regret this post, but after a few weeks I just could not get this out of my head, so here it is. We have NO purpose in the universe. None!

But that doesn’t mean life doesn’t have meaning. It does. It means exactly the meaning that we choose to give it. You don’t need religion or laws to align your conscious.

Love, treat others with respect, leave people better than you found them, and live your life with integrity. Because even though nothing matters, the truth is everything matters.


So that seems simplistic I suppose. But I really have spent some time in my head trying to figure this whole thing out. Maybe you believe in God, maybe you don’t. Religion is great for creating the constructs that give life purpose and meaning, because with the belief of a here after, we will focus our energies in hopefully a positive way. That gets pretty weird too depending on your religion and how badly you feel you need to impose your views on others, which isn’t really the point of this post.

For some reason we want to know what happens to us after we die. It’s like we need some reassurance that life goes on in some other way. Like this can’t be it. We have to have a greater purpose than living and dying. I think that’s the big joke; no one really knows. I mean who made up all these supposed afterlife beliefs anyways? Heaven and hell. Harps and angel wings. And why do we want to believe in some eternal damnation anyways?

As time goes on in the great universe that we live in, Man has been around here for much less than the blink of an eye. And in this moment of time on this speck of dust in an infinitely expanding universe, in this moment, we believe it all comes down to us. We in the human race are fools. It takes us a lifetime to learn what life is about. We can’t even learn about it from others as much as we try. And that is what makes death so tragic; our individual lives will fade away, and barely put a mark on anything. Friends will forget you and family grieves for a lifetime. And if we are lucky, we had a chance to help make someone else happy in this life, because in the end, luck is having someone special to share a portion of our heart beats and breaths.


Life is what you make it. We are a lucky chance in this great universe. What we do in the short time we are here is up to us. Be your best, don’t give up, and love with all your passion.